Durban Political Declaration underlines need for universality, solidarity and peer-to-peer learning

December 20, 2019     cib    

"The transformation that will need to be brought about in our development model will only be possible if it responds to the dreams and expectations of citizens and communities and if collective responsibility is taken to adjust and make compromises on a fair, equal and sustainable basis” (preamble to the Durban Political Declaration). 

The UCLG World Congress in November 2019 – feedback on CIB sessions?

July 01, 2019     cib    

2019 will see the 6th version of the UCLG world congress (11-15 November, Durban, South Africa). An important event for local government representatives from all around the world, which will see statutory meetings, as well as numerous side events and field visits. Last week, the Capacity and Institution Working Group has, together with its partners, sent in different proposals for sessions. You will find an overview below.

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