Tools for Promoting Inclusive and Resilient Economic Development by advancing strong partnerships

July 06, 2020     cib    

There are many ways to promote LED. Not necessarily better or worse ways, but different ways. This publication attempts to capitalise on this diversity, drawing on the experience VNG International and its partners gained in implementing ASPIRE in Somaliland and Somalia (Puntland State), as well as the experience of other organisations and programmes in the same field.

Read more about the impact of FCM's CISAL project in Columbia and Peru

May 12, 2020     cib    

Beginning in 2014, CISAL worked closely with 17 municipalities in Colombia and Peru to adopt strategies that strengthen governance, promote local economic development (LED) and increase gender equity. Over the course of five years, participating municipal staff and elected officials built relationships with their Canadian counterparts, through technical assistance, knowledge exchange, and fieldwork. These relationships resulted in more efficient, transparent, inclusive and sustainable local governance.

Strengthening Colombian capacities in LED through collaborative online learning

November 30, 2018     cib    

Helping to build a network of more than 50 LED practitioners in Colombia, and counting…

Through its online platform, the Federation of Colombian Municipalities (Fedemunicipios) is offering training on local economic development (LED) and is helping to build a network of LED practitioners throughout the country. 

CONNECT is looking of municipal expertise on waste management and LED

September 11, 2018     cib    

The CONNECT team is happy to present to you two opportunities for learning and exchange from colleagues: one in Burkina Faso and one in Uganda.

In Burkina Faso, the municipality of Ziniare is looking for municipal expertise in the field of waste management. In Uganda, the District of Moroto is looking for knowledge and experience on LED and agriculture.

How can you help?

LED Forum places focus on localizing the SDGs

November 12, 2017     cib    

October saw the organization of the 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development (LED), which took place in Praia, Cape Verde. The high-level event was hosted by the government of Cape Verde and the City of Praia and assembled 2800 participants from 83 countries. Local and regional governments reflected on how the LED approach provides a framework for the SDG localization and positioned LED as a means to achieve territorial equality, equity and cohesion in a context of a vulnerable, isolated and/or dependant country. 

Large local and regional representation

Visit highlights long term impact of Canadian-Philippine cooperation

May 11, 2017     cib    

Too often project managers do not have the opportunity to track progress in partner countries once development cooperation programmes come to an end. Mr. Roger Maclsaac, a former technical team leader from the Town of Amherst, Canada, had the chance to revisit his former project partners in the City of Escalante, Philippines.


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