December 20, 2019     cib    

"The transformation that will need to be brought about in our development model will only be possible if it responds to the dreams and expectations of citizens and communities and if collective responsibility is taken to adjust and make compromises on a fair, equal and sustainable basis” (preamble to the Durban Political Declaration). 

At the end of the World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders in Durban (11-15 November 2019), UCLG members adopted a political declaration, which build on the work of the UCLG constituency. The political declaration mentions various global challenges which local communities are confronted with, and underlines that these can only be tackled with and through local and regional governments. Transformational change will be local, or will simply not be. The declaration calls for placing communities at the centre of decision-making, to ensure a sustainable future and achieve the broader aspirations of the global agendas.

Universality, solidarity and peer-to-peer learning
The last paragraph on universality and solidarity discusses many topics which are relevant to the work of CIB. We hereby share this part of the text, as it might inspire your work:  

Universality and solidarity: a commitment from a world membership of associations, cities and regions equal and strong

20. Our membership, made up of associations at all levels needs to be further tightened and the roles of the different types of members put to work in a collaborative manner, fostering direct exchanges and peer-to-peer learning to gear-up to the ‘Implementation Decade’ of the SDGs called by the international community to achieve the global agendas.

21. It is through the development of a learning system and through decentralized cooperation and city diplomacy that the movement can disseminate its joint messages and that cohesion and solidarity can be achieved. More efforts, innovative methodologies and the development of new tools to upscale knowledge and cooperation will be key.  

22. We reaffirm the commitment from our peers to contribute to the united voice of local and regional governments through active participation in subnational government networks, as well as through the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments and the ecosystem of sister organizations, that will allow us to strengthen coordination and consultation mechanisms.

23. We reaffirm the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments as the true international platform to ensure that local and regional voices are truly heard, and they contribute to the thinking of the communities around the world from their own perspective.

24. The above is what we acknowledge as our "municipalist agenda", forged through a century of collaborations. We, local and regional government leaders and our associations, are convinced that the values and experiences that build this patrimony can support our societies to go through the transformation that we need to become sustainable, fair, inclusive and driven by solidarity and peace to preserve our planet. Through this declaration, we confirm our responsibility before the communities we serve and our commitment to partner with the international community and all stakeholders in a joint quest for a hopeful future of humanity.

Please find the entire declaration here.

News item of UCLG on the Political Declaration: