2019 will see the 6th version of the UCLG world congress (11-15 November, Durban, South Africa). An important event for local government representatives from all around the world, which will see statutory meetings, as well as numerous side events and field visits. Last week, the Capacity and Institution Working Group has, together with its partners, sent in different proposals for sessions. You will find an overview below. Feedback from your side and proposals for speakers are welcomed!
Proposed session 1: SDGs and decentralized cooperation
UCLG, CIB, PLATFORMA and the Region of Catalonia are jointly undertaking a project to develop the capacity of decentralised cooperation actors vis-à-vis SDG mainstreaming in development cooperation plans and programmes. An ultimate goal of this project will be to set up a new training module within UCLG, devoted to SDGs and decentralised cooperation.
To this effect, a study assignment has been commissioned on the topic of ‘SDGs and decentralised cooperation’. As part of this assignment, an expert will carry out the following activities in the next months:
- Building the state-of-the-art regarding ‘SDGs and decentralised cooperation’ in academic research, policy guidelines and other relevant sources;
- Mapping the diversity of practices of how decentralized cooperation is linked to the SDGs: funding, global local policy relation, beneficiaries, more partners, and in which stage (proposal writing , include awareness, alignment, reporting of activities);
- Writing of recommendations as to how to best integrate the SDGs in decentralised cooperation;
By November, a final draft of this study will be available for sharing. Based on the description of the state-of-play and of various good practices described in the study, participants to this session will be invited to share the opportunities and challenges they encounter when integrating the SDGs in their planning and programmes.
The Lab session is specifically targeted at practitioners with experience with working with the SDGs at local or regional level or with planning decentralised cooperation policies or SDG programmes on the ground. The set-up will be as interactive as possible.
Proposed session 2: Association Capacity Building
Local Government Association (LGAs) have a central role in the decentralization process as well as providing a voice for their members by managing and sharing knowledge among their members to help build their capacity and to better support them and represent their interests at the national and global levels. Local governments and their associations can benefit a great deal from sharing the experiences and lessons learned, both positive and negative, from the practices they have initiated, and by learning from others. This knowledge can help build self-reliance of the association and its members and allow them to better incorporate good governance models and practices in their own administrations, including participatory, transparent and accountable policy development, planning, resource mobilization, and management as well as the provision of accessible, equitable services for the community. Further, associations are also involved in The ability of LGAs to do this well is therefore a top priority that contributes to their relevance and organizational effectiveness.
This session will provide an opportunity for LGA members to exchange perspectives on the organizational effectiveness of their associations with the following objectives:
- Understand how local governments and their associations in are approaching the issue of policy and advocacy, member services, and financial sustainability;
- Identify how specific services, programs and initiatives undertaken by their peers could be adapted to their own country context;
- How to use LGA membership to advance advocacy priorities
- Learn from each other’s governance models and how the technical level interacts with the political and learn how the model strengthens mechanisms of multi-level governance;
- How to ensure the services provided meet the needs of members; and
- Understanding of the diversity of capacity-building options available to a LGA to improve the capacity of its political/appointed staff members and generate revenues.
An interactive methodology will provide to listen first to the political perspective (first half of the session will be the arena for LGA’s presidents) and second half will be dedicated to CEO’s points of view. A moderator/external observer will reflect in a conclusion on both perspectives. The Lab session is specifically targeting both the political and top management leadership of LGAs who can benefit from further learning on topics in support of association capacity building (member services, policy and advocacy, financial sustainability, networking). LGAs with experience in this area will help to share best practices and approaches in the strengthening of the institution. The set-up will be as interactive as possible.
Proposed session 3: SALGA coordination meeting
VVSG, ICLD, LGDK, FCM, CLGF, VNG International and LGA all run capacity building programmes in South Africa at the moment, with strong involvement of SALGA. It seems useful to have a discussion on the current and future activities of all organizations, possible synergies, as well as donor strategies.
Please note: this session is by invitation only; it will take place in a closed session, only for CIB members with programmes in South Africa.
Sessions of CIB members
Did you also submit a proposal for a session as CIB member? Thanks for keeping us up to date by sharing your proposals through an email to uclg.cib@vng.nl
More (general) information about the UCLG world congress: https://www.durban2019.uclg.org/en/