Open public consultation on the future of EU development policy

July 01, 2016     cib    

The European Commission has launched an open public consultation on the future of EU development policy to inform a future revision of the European Consensus on Development, the EU’s policy statement that commits the EU to eradicating poverty and building a fairer and more stable world, which dates from 2007.

UCLG Africa organises regional seminars for African Local Government leaders

August 27, 2015     cib    

Following the signing of the Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) between United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG Africa) and the European Commission (EC) earlier this year, UCLG Africa is now conducting a series of Regional Seminars across the African continent.

EC explores Territorial Approach to Local Development

August 27, 2015     cib    

Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO B2) at the European Commission (EC) has launched a brainstorming process that aims at clarifying the Territorial Approach to Local Development (TALD) and at identifying opportunities and challenges to promote the concept through the EC's thematic and bilateral support.

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