Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO B2) at the European Commission (EC) has launched a brainstorming process that aims at clarifying the Territorial Approach to Local Development (TALD) and at identifying opportunities and challenges to promote the concept through the EC's thematic and bilateral support.
The concept of territorial development is not new, yet it is receiving growing attention from policy-makers, practitioners, researchers and several donors. In fact, the promotion of local development through a territorial approach was already mentioned in the European Commission’s Communication on Empowering Local Authorities in partner countries for enhanced governance and more effective development outcomes, dating from 2013.
The EU’s approach will build on the integration of citizens as key democratic actors in local resource mobilisation, the role of autonomous and accountable local authorities as catalysts for TALD processes and the facilitation of an effective engagement in domestic policy processes and the participation in EU-supported sector operations of local authorities. More information on the TALD process can be found in a recent article in the Great Insights Magazine (ECDPM) by Jorge Rodriguez Bilbao, Quality Support Manager of the Civil Society and Local Authorities Unit of the European Commission.
Source: DeLoG newsletter 08/2015