July 01, 2016     cib    

The European Commission has launched an open public consultation on the future of EU development policy to inform a future revision of the European Consensus on Development, the EU’s policy statement that commits the EU to eradicating poverty and building a fairer and more stable world, which dates from 2007.

The revision takes place in the light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the UN in September 2015. Other recent international summits and conferences (the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Financing for Development in Addis Ababa, COP21 in Paris and the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul) also set the the tone for an ambitious new frame for all countries to work together on shared challenges.

The EU believes that these fundamental changes in the global framework for sustainable development need to be reflected in EU development policy. The Commission would like to gather views from a wide range of stakeholders on how EU development policy might respond to the 2030 Agenda, to other important related international commitments and key global trends, to help inform the development of a revised European Consensus on Development.

For more information, please contact EuropeAid-CONSENSUS-CONSULTATION@ec.europa.eu refer to the consultation website. You can submit your contribution to the consultation via the online survey until the 21st of August.