Now available: new CIB report on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning practice of CIB members

December 20, 2017     cib    

The CIB Working Group proudly presents a new report on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (ME&L) practice of CIB members. The reason for this report was to compare the ways in which members integrate these activities in their development cooperation programmes and organization as a whole, to be able to draw lessons learned and learn from each other.

More attention for SDGs and gender in international programmes

November 13, 2017     cib    

During the annual meeting of the CIB working group 26-28 September 2017 in Durban, CIB members – local governments and their associations active in international development cooperation – shared the latest developments in their programmes. Some general trends among the network emerged:

CIB members commit to assisting LGAs in SDG reporting 2018

November 13, 2017     cib    

At this years’ annual CIB meeting, which took place in Durban in September, different CIB members committed to assisting their partner Local Government Associations (LGAs) in their work on influencing the national reports to the next UN High Level Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In 2018, 48 other countries will be reporting on the SDGs – by assisting LGAs worldwide, local and regional governments might be better represented at this HLPF.

CIB members discuss national voluntary reporting on SDGs

March 01, 2017     cib    

On 28 February, the CIB Working Group secretariat hosted a call on the national voluntary reporting process on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in which several CIB members are engaged. 2017 will see the second round of voluntary reviews, which includes 40 countries.* Main topic of discussion was how to include a local voice and perspective in the national reports.

Voluntary National Reviews (VNR)

Changing context calls for new types of local government associations

November 07, 2016     cib    

"Associations need to radically change if the context in which it operates is changing severely". This quote comes from Mrs. Jantine Kriens, the CEO of the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), and was underlined by several other CEOs and Presidents during the two community fora for local government associations (LGAs), organized by the CIB Working Group during the UCLG world congress in October in Bogotá.   


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