On the 12th of April, the CIB Working Group held its first ever webinar session, on the topic of gender equality. The purpose of the webinar was to provide an opportunity for CIB members (i.e. organisations involved in capacity development with local governments worldwide) to share experience and good practices to advance gender equality at the local level, both ‘at home’ and in international cooperation programmes.
A total of 43 participants joined the CIB webinar, to listen in on presentations from Kathryn Travers of Women in Cities International, Marta Casamort from the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, and Elena Pierce from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
In case you did not have the chance to participate in the webinar but would like to learn more about this topic, feel free to listen to the recording of the session, available here. You will also find the three presentations here.
You can definitely expect other CIB webinars later this year, on topics ranging from Migration & Diaspora to Local Economic Development. Check our website and CIB newsletters to hear more about the upcoming events.