Below an overview of the open courses offered by the Hague Academy for Local Governance from this month up to February 2019.
- LAST CALL - October 29 - November 23, 2018
Online Course – Inclusive Local Economic Development
This four-week, practice-oriented and expert-led online course will explore strategies and tools for local authorities to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth. It will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to assess their local economic environment and – in an inclusive manner – design an effective local economic development strategy.
- LAST CALL - October 29 - November 9, 2018
Conflict, Rule of Law and Local Security
This course discusses how to increase community security in countries or regions where security is weak as a result of past or ongoing violent conflict. Through conflict mapping and analysis, course participants will unpack the causes of conflict and identify the different stakeholders that influence community security. These include national and local authorities, international (judicial) institutions, security actors, community leaders, radicalised youth or former combatants.
- November 19 - November 30, 2018
Gender Responsive Governance
This course discusses practical tools and strategies to encourage gender mainstreaming, gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation, and gender-responsive service delivery at the local level. Designing strategies for an effective and meaningful involvement of marginalized groups (i.e. women, youth) in development initiatives will receive special attention. The course will also underline how best to engage men and discuss cross-cutting issues of applying a diverse gender perspective (intersectionality), especially in complex cultural and religious settings.
- November 26 - November 30, 2018
Migration and Local Governance
In this one-week course, you will explore the role of local authorities in receiving and integrating refugees. We will address several dilemmas confronting local authorities, including how to mainstream the specific needs of migrants and refugees in local development planning, and how to boost economic opportunities and the delivery of inclusive services (i.e. health care, education, waste management).
- February 12 - February 23, 2019
Past Training: Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Finance
The course will discuss the assignment of expenditure responsibilities and revenue sources, the design and implementation of intergovernmental transfers, financial accountability, gender budgeting and local government spending and monitoring. Country cases from a.o. Bangladesh, Kenya and Tanzania on intergovernmental transfer will be analysed. You will visit Dutch institutions including the Dutch Ministry of Home Affairs and the Court of Audit of the Municipality of Rotterdam.
For more information and subscription, please visit: https://thehagueacademy.com/blog/category/open-courses-2018