Helping to build a network of more than 50 LED practitioners in Colombia, and counting…
Through its online platform, the Federation of Colombian Municipalities (Fedemunicipios) is offering training on local economic development (LED) and is helping to build a network of LED practitioners throughout the country.
Local economic development is a new concept for small and medium municipalities in Colombia. In collaboration with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), through its international project CISAL (Sustainable and Inclusive Communities in Latin America), Fedemunicipios created a curriculum on LED concepts, planning and governance, with a special emphasis in mining contexts. Fedemunicipios is using the online platform “SIVIFOM” to offer the course online and reach more users around the country while including webinars and case studies of Canadian and Latin American municipal experts who share strategies, tools and success stories.
SIVIFOM is the first online platform dedicated to strengthening the capacities of mayors, municipal officials and social leaders and it is part of the knowledge management strategy of Fedemunicipios to offer better services for local governments. It is also the opportunity to exchange good practices and significant experiences between local governments and leaders on how to promote LED: “The course is an opportunity to learn about new experiences to promote strategies in my municipality that generate employment, attract investment and boost the economy” Lina Patricia Moreno, Mayor of Cértegui, Chocó.
In November, 50 new practitioners were certified by Fedemunicipios and EAN University, one of the most important universities in Colombia. One of the strategies to share significant experiences was to connect students with experts through online webinars. To hear one of these webinars on Community branding and marketing in two regions of Colombia, click here (In Spanish).
Source: FCM - CISAL