The Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC) has launched a new application round for fellowships, to facilitate international participation in trainings aimed at capacity building.
These fellowships can also be used for a range of trainings of The Hague Academy for Local Governance, which now also includes trainings in French. In the first semester of 2017 the following courses will be organized:
Integrity & Anti-corruption (6 – 17 March, 2017)
This training focuses on the complexities of corruption, its root causes and the impact on society. The course introduces participants to different examples of institutional reforms and anti-corruption measures. Furthermore, participants discuss integrity dilemmas from their own working practice. They get familiarised with the Dutch landscape of Integrity as well as examples of policies to improve the integrity of an organisation’s workforce.
Citizen Participation and Inclusive Governance (27 March – 7 April, 2017)
This course discusses basic principles of good governance, accountability and civil participation. Participants will explore possibilities to engage citizens in the policy and decision making process with a special focus on marginalised groups. They will discuss amongst others the participation ladder, the accountability chain, do’s and don’ts in participation processes and the role of the media.
Le Dévelopmment économique local (8-19 May, 2017) En langue française!
Cette formation a pour thème les stratégies et les outils de gestion des processus de développement économique local (DEL) inclusif et durable. Elle aborde des questions telles que: comment développer une vision commune pour le secteur de manière participative, impliquant les pouvois publics, les citoyens, les entreprises et les OSC? Comment favoriser la création d'emplois et l'esprit d'entreprise? Et comment le financer?
The deadline to apply for the fellowships is the 4th of October 2016. In case you want more information about the application procedure and criteria, please refer to the following websites:
Information in English: http://bit.ly/nufficfellowships
Information in French: http://bit.ly/boursesnuffic