DeLoG launches new website

October 29, 2019     cib    

The website of the "Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance“ (DeLoG) network  has been relaunched! In a new, more user-friendly design we provide you with information on upcoming events and courses. Publications on Decentralisation and Local Governance, the 2030 Agenda as well as on Urban and Territorial Governance can be found easier now by choosing a specific category. Take a look at it yourself! 

The legitimacy of traditional authorities in areas of limited statehood in Mali, Niger and Libya

October 24, 2019     cib    

The border regions of Mali, Niger, and Libya are far out of reach of these states’ central governments. Local governance is usually in the hands of traditional authorities, such as tribal chiefs and imams. Yet the ever-increasing presence of armed groups, as well as ensuing external interventions, are putting the delicate balances of power in these areas under pressure.

Register for Delog's e-learning course "Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation & Local Governance"

August 31, 2018     cib    

DeLoG is providing for a tutored E-learning Course covering a wide range of decentralisation and local governance (DLG) related topics, structured along six modules. The first module “an introduction to decentralisation, Local Governance and development effectiveness” will give participants a well-grounded start and an overview on DLG within international agendas.

DeLoG organizes E-learning Course on “Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance”

March 29, 2018     cib    

The DeLoG team would like to invite you to participate in the tutored E-learning course on “Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance”, taking place from the 7th of May until the 7th of July 2018.

Join “Local Governance and Sustaining Peace” learning event in Brussels in January in Brussels!

November 12, 2017     cib    

DeLoG, the „Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance“, is organizing another joint learning event in Brussels, from 25-28 January 2017. This upcoming event aims to provide insights on the nexus between local governance and sustaining peace in fragile and conflict affected settings.

Set-up of the course

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