Two blended trainings by The Hague Academy for Local Governance (Fiscal Decentralisation and Urban Governance)

January 15, 2021     cib    

How a country organises its public finances forms the basis for how local authorities govern priorities in cities, towns, and villages. While national governments have the responsibility to design and supervise a system that works, local authorities are challenged to use their often limited resources for delivering better local services.

How much do you know about Agenda 2030? Learn more through ICLD's Digital education training on Agenda 2030!

January 14, 2021     cib    

ICLD has developed a digital education training to give you an “Introduction to Agenda 2030.”This training aims to give you an introduction to Agenda 2030, a global agenda for addressing the world’s most pressing challenges and driving change towards a sustainable society. The Global Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda offer an unprecedented opportunity for individuals and local and regional governments (LRGs) to contribute to global sustainability.

ALGA Academy: Recent Learning, Training, Capacity Building and Peer Learning activities in Africa

November 16, 2020     cib    

For the period under review and taking into account the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Academy focused its efforts on digitalization and online activities to enable UCLG-Africa to remain connected with its Members, Networks and Partners.

The main activities carried out focused on :

1.  Enlargement of the UCLG-Africa Partner Network through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with The African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD) established in South Africa.

Subscribe for training on Conflict, Rule of Law and Local Security

September 24, 2018     cib    

How can local governments improve security in conflict-affected areas? What are the challenges and opportunities for promoting positive conflict transformation and the rule of law? And how can conflict and security assessments help ensure stability at the local level?

DeLoG organizes E-learning Course on “Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance”

March 29, 2018     cib    

The DeLoG team would like to invite you to participate in the tutored E-learning course on “Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance”, taking place from the 7th of May until the 7th of July 2018.

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