March 29, 2018     cib    

The DeLoG team would like to invite you to participate in the tutored E-learning course on “Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance”, taking place from the 7th of May until the 7th of July 2018.

Wide range of topics
DeLoG`s upcoming tutored E-learning Course will cover a wide range of decentralization and local governance (DLG) related topics, structured along six modules. The first module “an introduction to decentralization, Local Governance and development effectiveness” will give participants a well-grounded start and an overview on DLG within international agendas. The other modules will deal with the topics of “Political decentralisation and political economy analysis”, “Administrative decentralization”, “Fiscal decentralization”, “Linkages between decentralisation and sector support”, “Designing coherent support strategies” and “Implementing support and monitoring change”.

Target group
The target group for the course are development professionals in the field and at headquarters level who have been working on (and around) DLG for 2 to 5 years, sector specialists experienced in decentralised settings as well as practitioners from public and local administration and CSOs.

Registration and other technicalities
Registration is possible until 8th April. Please follow this link for further information and registration. 35-40 slots are available. Please note: The course will be offered in English. Just like all courses conducted by DeLoG, is free of charge.

For further information on the course or other matters, please contact Lea Flaspöhler (