ALGA organizes international seminar on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (December 2019)

October 24, 2019     cib    
The African Local Government Academy (ALGA) is organizing an international seminar on gender equality in Morocco, from 9-13 December. This event will be an opportunity for participants to be informed on the progress made in the implementation of global and continental commitments on gender equality, and to raise awareness among them on concepts, issues, challenges, actions and good practices in the empowerment of women and girls in order to achieve SDG 5 and the African vision on women's rights.

UCLG-Africa opens African Local Governments Academy (ALGA)

February 22, 2017     cib    

December 2016 saw the official opening ceremony of the African Local Governments Academy (ALGA), an institute that aims to become a "genuine strategic lever and a UCLG-Africa spearhead for the professionalisation and the performance of human capital within the African territories". Key activities include monitoring of HR management at the local level, trainings and support to networks at the local level.

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