Following the exchanges on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) during the annual meeting of the CIB Working Group (WG) in the Hague in October 2015, expert Beatriz Sanz Corella was contracted by the CIB WG to develop an analysis and policy recommendations on M&E tools . Based on a survey, a desk review and interviews with CIB members, a comparative analysis of M&E systems in the context of local government capacity building was conducted. The final report aims to help find the most effective approach for tracking results and impact, supporting the learning process of the local governments while also matching donor requirements in the case of externally funded programmes. In addition to this report, a policy brief with recommendations on how to engage in M&E has been produced.
The documents have now been finalized. We thank all CIB members that have contributed to the development of the documents. You can find the policy recommendations here and the background report here. Both documents will also be subject of discussion during the parallel session at the annual meeting of the CIB in Istanbul (19-20 May).