March 18, 2020     cib    

2020 marks the 5th edition of the Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation. The Award is co-organised by the City of GuangzhouUnited Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and the World Association of the Major Metropolises (Metropolis). The call for submissions is now open till the 1st of July!

What is the Guangzhou Award?

The objective of the Award is to contribute to the creation of inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements. It seeks to recognize innovation in improving social, economic and environmental sustainability in cities and regions and, in so doing, to advance the prosperity and quality of life of their citizens. Therefore, we invite your city, local or regional government or association (LGA) to submit ongoing or recently completed innovative initiatives related to the themes highlighted by the SDGs and the commitments of New Urban Agenda (NUA). During these past years the award has developed into a true platform for the sharing of innovative practices in powered by the award winning local governments and linked with the global agendas

What are the criteria?

The criteria for the Guangzhou Award assessment include: innovativeness, effectiveness, replicability/transferability, significance and relevance of the initiative to the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda.

Have you contributed to the creation of safe, inclusive and sustainable cities? Fill out the application form before the 1st of July at:

For more information visit the website:

Or contact

We hope to see you at the award ceremony!