
We are happy to announce that you can now register for the CIB annual meeting in Stockholm (Sweden), which is taking place on 19-20 June 2018. Draft programme In the past months, SALAR, SKL International, the International...
Municipalities are the level of government closest to people, and every municipality is unique. As such, there are many critical paths that can be followed to advance gender equality. It is at the local level that coherent...
How can we make sure that local voices and perspectives enter into the Voluntary National Reviews, to be presented at the HLPF in 2018? Join CIB in assisting local government associations around the world! Read on for more...

CIB member updates

Sustainable what? That’s still a common reaction when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are mentioned. Familiarising people with these global goals for sustainable development is a crucial first step towards taking...
What kind of impact do our local government development cooperation projects have in the long run? Boniface Coulibaly, the former Secretary General of the Association des Municipalités du Burkina Faso (AMBF) answered...
The CONNECT team (PLATFORMA and VNG International) presents two new opportunities to exchange expertise among colleagues. Based on their concrete requests for assistance, CONNECT has selected the municipality of Ziniaré...
On 21 March, the towns of Roeselare (Belgium) and Dogbo (Benin) received the first prize of the PLATFORMAwards for their joint birth registration programme. After six years, Dogbo has become a reference in the field of civil...
At the beginning of the month, EThekwini Municipality officials and international delegates participated in a Train-the-Trainer Programme on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event was hosted by United Cities...

Relevant trainings

The DeLoG team would like to invite you to participate in the tutored E-learning course on “Enhancing Development Effectiveness for Decentralisation and Local Governance”, taking place from the 7th of May until the 7th...
The Observatory of Decentralised Cooperation EU-LA and the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) are launching the thirteenth edition of their online training course in Decentralised Cooperation. The training...

LGA column series

For many municipalities in Flanders (Belgium) sustainable development is not an empty term. That’s clear from the firm commitment to climate neutrality in Leuven, smart mobility through cycling in Bonheiden and embracing...


Promoting gender equality in decentralised cooperation projects (AFFCRE)
Transformation towards sustainable and resilient societies in Asia and the Pacific
Gender and development - planning from below