Sustainable what? That’s still a common reaction when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are mentioned. Familiarising people with these global goals for sustainable development is a crucial first step towards taking action, but also in creating a support base for policy measures that contribute to the SDGs. All over the world, local authorities and organisations are working hard to raise awareness on the SDGs, as in order to attain them, everyone must be on board. The Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) has assembled 50 practical examples to introduce the SDGs to a wider audience, both within your municipal organisation,in external communications and during events. These awareness-raising examples are wide-ranging, but the common theme is their low-threshold, often fun approach to introducing people to the SDGs. From SDG stress balls to SDG chocolates or an SDG time capsule: this selection of awareness-raising practices offers a fine array of campaigns, initiatives and activities. Let yourselves be inspired and get started on making the SDGs known in your municipality!
The publication “SDGs in Your Municipality: 50 Practical Awareness Raising Examples” can be downloaded in both English and Dutch from http://www.vvsg.be/sites/sdgs/Paginas/Praktijkvoorbeelden-sensibilisering.aspx