
Following the succesful webinar on 'cities and countries working in crisis', a new series of webinars will take place in the upcoming months. UCLG and the CIB Working group will facilitate a webinar series (Spanish, English...
UCLG and CIB organized an informal SDG meeting during the UCLG World Council in Madrid, in which ASPAC, CEMR, UCLG MEWA, CUF, the Forum for Intermediary Cities, Diputacion Barcelona, Durban, AMM and UN Habitat participated....
The Second edition of the World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace was held in Madrid, at the invitation of Mayor Manuela Carmena. United Cities and Local Governments was part of the organizing...

Member updates

In 2016, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities started what became a 2-year process to reflect on its approach to capacity development with municipal institutions worldwide. Their conceptual framework dated back...
In late November, the 8th edition of the Africities summit took place. 8300 participants gathered in Marrakech, Morocco, to discuss ‘The Transition to Sustainable Cities and Territories, The Role of Local and Sub-National...
8th edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress reaffirms the links between metropolitan governance and the creation of more liveable and equitable smart cities   More than 21,000 visitors attended this year’s...
SALGA recently met with the Danish Local Government Association (DLGA) to discuss key priority areas in local government. The meeting was attended by SALGA president Parks Tau and CEO Xolile George, the chairperson of SALGA-Denmark...
The industrial town of Borlänge has experienced a major influx of people from other countries in a short space of time, and 8% of the population is now of Somali origin. Luckily, “we like challenges” is one of Borlänge...
Helping to build a network of more than 50 LED practitioners in Colombia, and counting… Through its online platform, the Federation of Colombian Municipalities (Fedemunicipios) is offering training on local economic development...

Courses and applications

Since the 7th of November it is possible to apply for the second edition of the UCLG Peace Prize, to be handed out in 2019. The Peace Prize aims at creating momentum for local governments worldwide that implement strategies...
Local public services such as health care, waste management, water supply, and social security have a huge impact on our daily lives. Unfortunately, in many countries the poor often lack access to these important services....


ICLD: A toolbox for Local Governments to implement SDG#5 on Gender Equality

This policy brief summarizes the findings from our investigation into SDG#5, and the efforts to turn this global goal into local policies and practice in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) - including a toollbox for LGs to implement SDG#5. Source: ICLD, Drawing: Emanu Garnheim

Flyers Municipal International Cooperation Programme available!

The MIC-Programme, devised and implemented by UVCW and Brulocalis/ AVCB, aims to contribute to the reinforcement of the capacities of African local institutions to take charge of their own development. The countries covered by the Programme are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Morocco, and Senegal. Source: UVCW