UCLG and CIB organized an informal SDG meeting during the UCLG World Council in Madrid, in which ASPAC, CEMR, UCLG MEWA, CUF, the Forum for Intermediary Cities, Diputacion Barcelona, Durban, AMM and UN Habitat participated. Members discussed a new training module, their contribution to the GOLD report and
A new SDG training module
In the meeting, participants discussed UCLG’s recently elaborated training module (‘module 3’), which should work as a guide book for the reporting process of the Sustainable Development Goals. Participants expressed their interest to join webinars about this training module in the next week, to be well-prepared for the next High Level Political Forum (9-18 July 2019) and learn from peer Local Government Associations (LGAs) about their involvement in the process in previous years. CIB committed to facilitate those webinars, see also our other news item. Aside from the webinars, UCLG/CIB members agreed to share upcoming events and opportunities for offline trainings on the module 3.
Are you organizing a SDG learning event? Share any upcoming meetings of relevance for the SDG roadmap by emailing uclg.cib@vng.nl.
Contributions to the GOLD V report
UCLG’s world secretariat reported that the involvement of LGAs in the Voluntary National Reviews can be considered a success so far as the number of engaged countries is raising every year. For 2019 it is envisaged that even more LGAs will participate, with the help of module 3 and other learning sessions. In the new year, the world secretariat will send out a survey to all LGAs with questions on their involvement in the reporting process. The answers to this survey will both serve the GOLD V report and UCLG’s annual analysis of localization of the SDGs.
Do you want to have a look at the survey already? Provide your reaction to the draft survey to LGAs as soon as possible.
Or do you want your local or regional government or LGA to feature in the GOLD V report? Share our stories / news items on SDG progress with gold@uclg.org in any language in the coming period.
More than just reporting
Aside from assistance with the reporting on the SDGs, CIB and the UCLG learning team plan to further develop a much broader set of tools which will strengthen and increase the involvement of LGAs in all the work concerning the Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Want to join us? Share which of the LGAs of the 51 countries that report this year you can support to provide input to the VNR / UCLG report.