The CIB Working Group and DeLoG are organizing a hybrid High-Level Seminar on Trends, Developments and Challenges in Development Cooperation at Local Level, a conversation between donors and local governments active in international cooperation, based on the recent UCLG-CIB policy work on this topic. The dialogue takes place within the annual meeting of the CIB Working Group of world organisation of local governments UCLG, on the 8th of June, between 13:30 and 15:30 CEST. If you are unable to join us in Sint-Niklaas, you will be able to join this part of the programme, through Zoom.
More information on speakers and the set-up of the seminar can be found in the attached concept note.
You can register for the High-Level Seminar here. Please note that after the plenary opening with speakers from donor organizations and local governments, online participants are asked to join 1 of the 3 online workshops.
Registration link
Background on the UCLG policy paper on development cooperation
The CIB working group has produced a policy paper on development cooperation & local government, which serves as an update of the UCLG-CIB policy paper on this topic from 2013. The policy paper builds the case for a continued strong role of local and regional governments in development cooperation, and emphasizes that, globally, local governments are key actors that drive development and support decentralization processes. As the order of government responsible for ensuring equitable delivery of essential services, including in many cases social services around health, welfare and housing, local governments occupy an important niche in a nation’s development; however, support is needed from national governments and the international community to further strengthen local governments in fulfilling their mandates.
The policy paper will be put forward to the UCLG Executive Bureau for adoption in June 2022. Please find the final draft attached (EN, FR and ES). Please note: the documents attached do not include case studies, nor an implementation plan for the policy paper. These two annexes will be added to the document over Summer, and will be ready for distribution at the UCLG world congress in October 2022.
Photo by: Ciaran McCrickard / World Economic Forum / CC BY-NC-SA