The Capacity and Institution Building Working Group of United Cities and Local Governments has worked on a joint position on COVID-19 and (the continued need for) local government development cooperation (also available in Spanish and French). The position clearly builds onto the UCLG Decalogue for the post-COVID-19 era; it discussed how the CIB network plans to concretely contribute to the objectives mentioned in the UCLG Decalogue. Feel free to actively share this with your network!
To give visibility to this paper and have a more in-depth discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on development cooperation, UCLG and CIB decided to co-organise a Cities are Listening-event on the 8th of December (15:00-17:00 CET), to which we will also invite representatives from the international donor community and national governments (Ministries of Foreign Affairs/International Cooperation).
We strongly encourage you to join this event and invite representatives from national governments and the international donor community from your network. Please indicate your interest to attend the event through filling out this registration form.
Do you have a good suggestion for a possible speaker from your own organisation or a national government or (international) donor organisation? Please get in touch (uclg.cib@vng.nl).
For an overview of the agenda and speakers (TBC), please refer to the concept note (EN and ES)!