On the 02 of September 2020 the DeLoG Secretariat, the Asian Development Bank, LOGIN Asia and GIZ conducted a webinar on “Policies and Strategies Post Covid-19: How to strengthen Multi-level Systems in Asia". This webinar was followed by a second online event on "Coping with the Crisis: Multi-level Systems in Action" one week later ( 10 of September 2020). Both webinars enjoyed high attendace with aprox. 80 people each from around 20 countries. The webinars are part of DeLoG's 2 part webinar series on "How the COVID-19 Crisis Challenges Resilience and Functionality of Multi-level Governance Systems in Asia".
To view the recording of the first webinar, click here.
To view the recording of the second webinar, please follow this link.
Please find the full arcitle here!