March 27, 2020     cib    

VNG International aims to achieve its core mission “Building better futures” by strengthening democratic and inclusive local governance. They intend to take everyone on board: “better futures” includes perspectives in which inequalities are reduced – meaning inequalities between social groups, races, ethnic and religious minorities and between genders. They seek to actively incorporate approaches aimed at securing equal representation of men and women in all five of its fields of expertise.

Therefore, this publication “Towards better futures for all: for gender sensitive local governance” (2019) provides insights into the reasons why gender sensitive approaches are crucial for the success of local governance. Societies become more resilient when everybody is given a chance to speak up. Hence, promoting gender equality enhances sustainable development.

VNG International believes that local government (representatives) can only be truly inclusive and participatory if all men and women can participate. And if all men and women are able to participate in public affairs, they are able to shape their own futures. Gender should naturally become integrated in all the fields of expertise and intervention of local governments.

Link to the publication: