As you might know already, the Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) and the City of Sint-Niklaas (Flanders) have offered to host and co-organize this years’ CIB annual meeting. For now, we are still continuing the preparations for this years' meeting, which will be held from 15-17 June 2020, in Sint-Niklaas. The three-day annual meeting will be filled of opportunities to exchange, attend different interesting workshops, break-out sessions, a World cafe, field visit and much more.
We are in the midst of preparations and advancing on the programme. You will find the latest version of the programme attached. We kindly invite all members to answer a very small survey on some components of the programme, to see if there is enough interest. You can find the survey here. Please submit your answer before the 24th of March!
We understand that deciding on your participation might be difficult for you at this moment, but it would help us if you could indicate whether you plan to come anyway, by registering here. We will check with you in a later stage whether you still plan to come. The general deadline for the registration is the 15th of May.
For more information on the venue, hotel etc., please check the logistical note.
Who can participate?
The CIB annual meeting is a space for exchange among practitioners working on local government development cooperation projects at local government associations or cities. We encourage associations and cities to also invite their international partners to the meeting. This year we also explicitly encourage associations of local and regional governments to bring one or more of their members along to the meeting, to make sure that both associations ánd individual local governments are well-represented.
We look forward to interacting and collaborating with you in the next months! For questions or concerns, please contact the CIB Working Group secretariat: uclg.cib@vng.nl.