The CIB Working Group is (co-)organizing several sessions at the 6th UCLG World Congress, which is taking place in Durban from 11-15 November. Read more on the different sessions below.
Forum for Presidents and CEOs of Local Government Associations
Under the heading of the ‘LGA Forum’, VNG, FCM and VVSG are taking the lead in organizing a forum for presidents and CEOs of Local Government Associations. In the session, association capacity building through exchange of practices will stand central. Presidents will discuss trends, opportunities and challenges in their surroundings; CEOs will tackle various internal management matters, including service delivery to members, advocacy at national and international level and transitioning to a networking organization.
Does your CEO or President want to take part in this forum and/or speak in one of the panels? Please contact uclg.cib@vng.nl for more information. Please note that we will probably not be able to accommodate all CEOs and Presidents present in Durban, but we will make sure that all participants get a say in the deliverables of the session.
SDGs and decentralized cooperation: a practical lab session
This lab session is co-organized with PLATFORMA and the region of Catalonia, as we are jointly undertaking a project to develop the capacity of decentralised cooperation actors vis-à-vis SDG mainstreaming in development cooperation plans and programmes. An ultimate goal of this project will be to set up a new training module within UCLG, devoted to SDGs and decentralised cooperation.
To this effect, a study assignment has been commissioned on the topic of ‘SDGs and decentralised cooperation’.
At the UCLG world congress, a final draft of this study will be available for sharing. Based on the description of the state-of-play and of various good practices described in the study, participants to this session will be invited to share the opportunities and challenges they encounter when integrating the SDGs in their planning and programmes.
The lab session is specifically targeted at practitioners with experience with working with the SDGs at local or regional level or with planning decentralised cooperation policies or SDG programmes on the ground. The set-up will be as interactive as possible.
Do you have suggestions for speakers or one or more moderators to play a role in this session? Thank you in advance for letting us know by sending an email to uclg.cib@vng.nl.
SALGA coordination meeting
SALGA and the CIB Working Group agree that the UCLG world congress in Durban is an excellent opportunity to sit around the table with all CIB members active in South Africa, to discuss further collaboration/coordination and search for synergies. The informal session ends with a reception to which LGAs and LGs not yet active in South Africa but interested in collaboration are invited as well.
Do you want to join the coordination meeting and/or reception? Please let us know by sending an email to uclg.cib@vng.nl.
More information on the UCLG world congress can be found here: https://www.durban2019.uclg.org/en/