We would like to remind you that the registration for the CIB Annual Meeting of 2019 that takes place in Vienna (25-27 September) is open untill the 15th of August. The meeting is aimed at professionals from Local Government Associations (LGAs) and individual local governments active in the field of capacity development and local government development cooperation. The meeting will be hosted by the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns and its KDZ center.
- Program
We have worked hard the past months to create an interesting programme, which you will find attached. Based on input from members, we decided to extend the meeting with a day. On the third day we now facilitate an in depth session to discuss the priorities of CIB for the next years. Besides, we will look ahead to the World Congress in Durban. This third day is optional.
Another component of the program that we want to highlight is the marketspace. In this slot we want to give space to members so that they can present concrete tools or examples to other participants. If you would like to present something, please get in touch (uclg.cib@vng.nl).
Lastly, we are proud to tell you that we hae added a new element to the program. We believed that besides all the talking, it would be interesting to actually see some action. As such we worked hard to include field visits to the program. On the second day there is an option to join either a 'gender sensitive urban planning' field visit, or a field visit to 'Smart City Seestadt Aspern'.
- Compendium
The CIB Annual Meeting will foster exchange among CIB members. To make sure that we have an up to date overview at the annual meeting of all programmes currently carried out by CIB members, we would like to remind you to update the compendium on the CIB website.
The compendium provides a comprehensive overview of the local government development cooperation projects and programs that CIB Working Group members are involved in. This can be helpful when your organisation is starting a program in a new country for example, or when your organization wants to better coordinate with others in a certain region or country. Please add any new programs through the form here and delete the programs which are no longer running. If you wish to make any changes in the currently listed programs, please let us know.
- Hotel reservation
Our Austrian hosts recommend booking a room in one of the hotels listed in the attached logistical note. They are located within walking distance (approx. 10 min. / 0,7 km) of the Albert Schweitzer Haus, the venue of the meeting. There is no special booking code for CIB members.
- Logistics
In the logistical note you will find all the necessary information on the venue, hotel, visa requirements etc. Should you require any additional (logistical) information at this point, please don’t hesitate to contact us at uclg.cib@vng.nl.
We hope to see all of you in September. Please make sure to complete your registration prior to the 15th of August, by filling out the registration form here.