July 10, 2018     cib    
"What I found most valuable was to hear about the experiences with water governance of other countries. I also learned a lot about the different roles and responsibilities and cooperation with stakeholders in water management. The study visit to the waste management plant and to see the process of purifying the wastewater was impressive." - Christina Walaan, Former Water & Energy Professional with GIZ Cairo


Water provision and governance of water involve complex systems and the coordination of different stakeholders at all levels government. Adding to the challenge are the political and institutional contexts of the country. In many contexts, reforms for effective water management are hampered by an unclear allocation of roles and responsibilities, territorial fragmentation and limited capacity at the local level.

From 10 to 21 September 2018, The Hague Academy for Local Governance will organise a two-week, practice-oriented training course to address water governance. Leading international experts and practitioners will provide unique insights into international best practices and water governance tools. Participants will learn to actively apply the five building blocks required for sound water governance:

  1. Powerful administrative organisation
  2. Legally embedded system
  3. Adequate financing system and economic analyses of water services
  4. Systematic planning approach
  5. Participation of stakeholders

The course offers insights from top experts including: Herman Havekes - a strategic policy advisor to the Dutch Association of Regional Water Authorities;  Robert van Cleef - a water economy expert with 20+ years experience; Steven van Rossem - CEO of World Waternet; Håkan Tropp - Head, OECD Water Governance Programme and Peter Glas - President Water Authority De Dommel, president OECD Water Governance Initiative, former president Dutch Water Authorities. Several study visits are also part of the programme.

For more information, please visit: https://thehagueacademy.com/blog/2017/03/multilevel-water-governance-2018/

The application deadline is 30 July 2018.