The National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) has launched three publications last August in order to promote knowledge on interesting themes for local authorities and networks, especially the ones (active) in Latin America and the Caribbean region. Please find a short overview below:
The “Guide for Replication of the Project Safe Women” aims to offer a simple but successful guideline to small and medium-sized municipalities in the field of prevention of violence towards women. This guideline, which has already been applied in 10 Brazilian municipalities, offers Mayors a series of strategies and prepares them for effective planning of local policies to prevent and combat violence against women, based on their own realities and needs. The guideline was established within the Project ‘Safe Women’ – implemented by CNM and financed by the European Union. This project brought together local leadership and political will; two critical components to prevent and address the issue. The guideline can be accessed in Spanish and Portuguese.
The publication “CNM – Municipalism is done with the participation of all” presents CNM’s structure, management, performance and outstanding initiatives. As one of the most well-established national associations of municipalities in Latin America, the material is aimed at sharing this experience with peer organizations. It is available in Spanish and Portuguese.
The booklet “Municipalism - Perspectives of Decentralization in Latin America, Europe and the World” compiles information on the decentralization processes in the countries of the Latin American and European regions, highlighting the progress achieved in the last decades in favor of greater municipal autonomy. Furthermore, it also includes a chapter on decentralization worldwide. This publication was launched in partnership with the Latin American Federation for Cities, Municipalities and Associations (FLACMA) and the Association of Municipalities of Chile (AChM). It can be accessed here.