
In the light of the recently adopted international agendas which show increased attention and recognition for the role of local governments (Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda in particular) and the new Presidency...
In the past months, UCLG has been working to communicate the 2030 Agenda to its members and to support them in “localizing” the SDGs in their communities. Based on the outcomes of the narrative and dialogue...

Policy Items: relevant information for CIB members

At the end of November, delegations from all around the world gathered in Nairobi for the second High Level Meeting (HLM-2) of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC). The adoption of the 2030...
The GOLD IV Report makes a strong case for the territorial approach for development, effective multi-governance frameworks and multi-stakeholder alliances in order to make the transition towards sustainable urbanization and...

CIB member updates

On the 4th and 5th of November about 300 representatives of local authorities, ministries, prefects, donors and civil society met in Cotonou for the 2nd Assises of Benin-French decentralized cooperation. Aim of this gathering...
In an increasingly globalized and urbanized world, cities face great challenges and opportunities. These need to be addressed through a new global governance model that includes local governments and allows cities to internationalize...
2016 kept the momentum going after the signing of several international agreements that emphasize the important role of local governments – the Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Sendai Framework...


Kingfisher Programme. Significant Change Stories
The Promotion of Decentralisation in Fragile States
Gender Equality and the New Urban Agenda