In the past years, VVSG has actively worked on localizing the SDGs in Flanders, providing municipalities with materials and inspiration on awareness raising and policy planning. With success: 178 out of the 300 Flemish municipalities have now integrated the SDGs into their multi-annual policy plans (2020-2025). However, there are still many municipalities, personnel and citizens who do not know (a lot) about the SDGs or still seek inspiration on how to make these goals concrete in their local context and in their international partnerships. Therefore, VVSG has recently launched some new materials on localizing the SDGs, which might also be useful for you:
- Awareness raising video ‘We the mayors for the SDGs’. Flemish mayors explain in clear language (and in their own dialect) what the SDGs are about. Available in English and French.
- Update of the publication ‘Local support for global challenges’. For each SDG, we give some examples of local actions and we add good local practices. Available in English.
- Publication The SDGs in municipal international cooperation. SDG 17 with a focus on international partnerships and solidarity is a crucial element of the Agenda 2030. This publication gives examples and ideas on how to integrate the SDGs into international cooperation between local governments. The publication is available in English and Spanish and soon also in French.
Question from VVSG to CIB members
The VVSG would also like to raise the following question to the members of the CIB Working Group: "We are getting more and more questions from civil servants working in international affairs if there are good practices on alternatives for summer events. In many municipalities, events like galleries, outdoor movies and ‘world festivals’ (with among others international music, fair food and drinks, workshops) were planned. Due to COVID-19, they have to be cancelled. Do you have similar situations? What do municipalities provide as alternatives, for example digital events or physical activities that can adhere to the safety measures?" Please send us your ideas and suggestions (uclg.cib@vng.nl and hanne.albers@vvsg.be)