October 08, 2020     cib    

In September 2020 the World Bank launched a flagship report Enhancing Government Effectiveness and Transparency: The Fight Against Corruption. It inspires governments with new approaches and tools that can help identify loopholes and entry points for corrupt activities in order to combat corruption more effectively. VNG International takes pride in featuring visibly in this report. It's Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP), implemented since 2011 to date, is presented as a case study of six pages (please read here).

The report argues that the programme has helped citizens “to understand what services are supposed to be free and what services need to be paid, and how much they cost. With greater transparency and accountability, corruption becomes more difficult.” Furthermore, ESAP has increased citizen oversight over public spending at local level. Team leader Paul Hamilton is quoted by the writers of the report: “Over the years ESAP has developed a strong position of trust with both civil society and the government”. ESAP is portrayed as a best practice worthwhile to inspire many other countries.

 Website of ESAP: http://esap2.org.et/