As you know, the CIB working group is preparing a new UCLG-CIB policy paper on development cooperation and local governments. Many CIB members and partners have been involved in various consultation sessions over the past year; it has been a truly participatory process! We expect to share a draft policy statement with the CIB membership early May, after some last conversations with partners and the network:
i) We want to gather some more regional perspectives on learning and policy related to development cooperation and therefore initiate a meeting for representatives from local government associations from all around the world, in the week of the 25th of April. We will send out an invitation as well as the draft policy statement to you soonest; mark the following dates in your calendar for now:
Regional perspectives from Africa - 25 April - 14:00-15:00 CEST
Regional perspectives from Latin America - 26 April - 17:00-18:00 CEST
Regional perspectives from ASPAC/MEWA - 29 April - 09:00-10:00 CEST
A more detailed invitation will follow in the week of the 11th of April. All meetings are open to anyone from the UCLG/CIB membership.
ii) Furthermore, we are co-organising a DeLoG in Dialogue event on the 26th of April. During this one-hour event, representatives from donor organisations will reflect on the draft policy statement and its policy recommendations, from the donor perspective.
Other options for last feedback
You have one more option for providing last input and feedback to this important policy work: we will sent out the draft policy statement to all CIB members on the 29th of April, for written feedback. Deadline for your feedback is the 6th of May. We will then consolidate all input and send the policy statement to UCLG, for adoption at the Executive Bureau meeting on 15 June. A longer background document with case studies will be made available at the UCLG world congress in Korea in October.
Source of image: Council of Europe