Last weekend the UN Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 Development Agenda took place. The 17 sustainable development goals adopted in New York on 25-27 September will guide international development policy in all countries for the coming 15 years.
Joint statement and call for further recognition of local governments
UCLG has spoken up for local governments throughout the Post-2015 process. UCLG representatives, through the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, have given a statement, on the importance of local action for the achievement of the SDGs. All SDGs have a local dimension that is essential for their achievement. SDG 11 (sustainable cities) and SDG 16 (effective, accountable and inclusive institutions) can be highlighted particularly in this regard.
UCLG has saluted the unprecedented global consultation and dialogue, in which local and regional governments have actively participated. UCLG also called for a new Global Governance Architecture in a renewed United Nations System, with enhanced with enhanced participation of stakeholders in general, and the recognition of local and regional governments as governmental stakeholders in particular.
Multi-stakeholder mechanisms and capacity building of local governments
The CIB Working Group wishes to flag the importance of ensuring that not only this global process is inclusive, but that also at national level, implementation plans for the SDGs are inclusive. Local governments and their associations need to be strengthened to engage in the implementation process, both in the definition and implementation. All local governments need to have the means and the capacity to improve administration, anticipate demands, plan and implement solutions. Peer-to-peer review among local governments has proven to be a very effective way of achieving strengthened local governments.
In the coming months, UCLG will further work on the localization of the SDGs and will identify ways of ensuring that local governments are involved in the definition of the national SDG plans. The CIB Working Group will follow this process closely.