June 01, 2018     cib    

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI), an independent, global think tank, has launched its new 5-year strategy. In the next half decade, ODI will focus on 4 key challenges: poverty and inequality, economies and work, sustainability and conflict and fragility.

 A multidisciplinary approach for complex challenges

In the strategy, ODI acknowledges that we are living in a time of rapidly changing technology, norms and power structures; changes “which affect everything from the future of our planet to the food and energy we consume to how we access information and evidence”. Challenges such as climate change, violent extremism, rising authoritarianism, financial instability and inequality affect all countries and require multidisciplinary approaches and solutions.

Four key challenges

To be able to contribute to such approaches and solutions, ODI plans to focus its research, advisory work, convening and communications in four thematic areas:

  1.  Ending extreme poverty and reducing inequality
  2. Transforming economies and the future of work
  3. Ensuring sustainable water, land, food and energy
  4. Preventing conflict and violence and addressing fragility

The strategy document further describes the challenges within these 4 areas, as well as the impact that ODI seeks to achieve. Risks and enablers are also identified.

About ODI

ODI was established in 1960 as a global, non-partisan, non-profit and evidence-driven think tank.  ODI is supported by grants and donations from foundations, non-governmental organisations, the private sector, governments, multilateral agencies and academia. The staff, partners and ODI fellows are based in 50 countries around the world.