October 28, 2019     cib    

During the first months of 2020, The Hague Academy for Local Governance organizes trainings and courses to strengthen reliable local services, inclusive local policies and effective partnerships within local communities. Two courses of interest to CIB members and their partners - Fiscal Decentralisation and Migration and Local Authorities - will commence in February.

Training on Fiscal decentralisation:
How can sub-national governments be supported to increase local revenues and strengthen financial management? How can local authorities be held accountable by their citizens? How can spending responsibilities and revenue resources best be assigned to different government layers? What can national governments do to design and supervise a system that works?

Designed with the practitioner's needs in mind, The Hague Academy's first 2020 course discusses how local governments can better manage local finances, increase revenue and involve citizens in setting spending priorities.

  • The training will take place in the Hague (the Netherlands) from 10 – 21 February 2020
  • The deadline for course applications is 4 January 2020

Learn more about this course

Training on Migration and Local Authorities:
How to mainstream the needs of migrants and refugees in local development planning? How to maintain social cohesion in communities affected by a large influx of migrants? How to deliver services to both, migrants and host communities? and how can the public, private and NGO sectors work together to create opportunities (e.g. employment) and enhance the integration of refugees? 

This course combines theory and practice to help participants address local migration challenges. They will discuss the role of local authorities in receiving and integrating refugees and explore the different approaches to support local authorities in planning for migration and displacement. 

  • The training will take place in the Hague (the Netherlands) from 24 February – 6 March 2020
  • The deadline for course applications is 23 January 2020

 Learn more about this course