As you might have seen already, the invitations are out for this years’ CIB annual meeting, which is hosted by the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and will take place in the city of eThekwini. Preparations are in full swing for this 2,5 day event, which will gather directors and managers of international departments from associations of local governments and cities. The meeting will see interesting key note speakers and a diversity of panels and break-out sessions on new developments in development cooperation, project management and at the level of the donor community.
A South African flavour
This year’s meeting is in fact the first CIB annual meeting taking place on the African continent. We hope to welcome many African Local Government Associations (LGAs) at this event. Different South African key note speakers will shed their light on the latest trends and developments in development cooperation in Africa and on the particular needs of local governments and decentralization processes that local government capacity development programmes can contribute to. SALGA and the Municipal Institute of Learning (MILE) of the city of eThekwini are also organizing a cultural opening, as well as other activities which will make you get to know the city and the country while you are here.
Please make sure to register for the CIB annual meeting by filling out this form prior to August 15th. Information about possible hotel reservations can be found in the registration form. Should you require any additional (logistical) information at this point, please don’t hesitate to contact us at uclg.cib@vng.nl