The Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) is organising its High-Level Summit in Geneva on 12-14 December. The event, which will be attended by Ministers and decision-makers on development co-operation policies and programs, civil society leaders, CEOs of the private sector, and other key actors, is an excellent opportunity to present the key messages from the UCLG-CIB policy paper on development cooperation, recently adopted at the UCLG world congress in Daejeon. Different Mayors will join the Summit, as part of a UCLG delegation.
The messages of local governments to the Summit
Local and regional governments have prepared a one-pager with their ambitions towards the Summit (which can be found attached to this news item). The LRG one-pager mentions that the Summit comes at a critical moment amid a changing and resource-constrained environment. Climate and socio-economic crises and turmoil, growing poverty and inequality, conflicts, and instability threaten the impact of development co-operation towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at local and regional levels. LRGs are also experiencing a deep crisis in trusting public institutions that is the basis of our social contract. SDGs are helping many local governments to communicate better what they do, both to their citizens and to their national governments. This advocacy is key to rebuild trust on the role of public institutions.
Read more on the ambitions of other constituencies (private sector, civil society, multilateral organisations and others) at the bottom of this page: https://effectivecooperation.org/hlm3
Join the Summit on-site or offline!
The Summit will be of hybrid nature, to assure for the largest possible attendance. Read more on virtual registration here: https://indico.un.org/event/1001408/registrations/8984/
The full programme of the Summit can be found here: https://effectivecooperation.org/SummitProgramme (in EN, FR and ES)