December 31, 2016     cib    

In the light of the recently adopted international agendas which show increased attention and recognition for the role of local governments (Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda in particular) and the new Presidency of the world organization, the CIB Working Group's chair and co-chair signalled the need to review CIB's current role and position within UCLG and relative to other networks. A first conference call, to which all CIB members were invitied, was organised on December 6. VVSG, FCM, VNG International, CEMR-PLATFORMA, UCLG and UCLG Africa exchanged views on a variety of subjects, including the niche and mandate of the CIB Working Group, its value added between many other networks, the collaboration with other UCLG Working Groups and committees and how to enhance a feeling of ownership amongst members.

It was decided during the call that similar discussions and member consultations will be repeated in 2017, leading to a multi-annual strategy paper for the CIB Working Group, to be presented to and validated by CIB members during the CIB annual meeting in South Africa, in September 2017. Dates of the several consultation moments will be shared with the CIB members in due time.

The minutes of the first conference call as well as an updated version of the CIB work plan for 2017 are available with the CIB Working Group secretariat (