In a couple of weeks only, the next CIB annual meeting will take place in Stockholm. We have already received 40 registrations from all around the world for this event, taking place on 19-20 June 2018. If you have not yet registered but plan to come, please notify the CIB secretariat by filling this form.
Draft programme
In the past months, SALAR, SKL International, the International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) and the CIB Working Group secretariat have worked hard to create an interesting programme for our annual meeting, which was shared with you by email. You can find the latest version of the programme here. Should you have additional ideas or suggestions for the programme, please let us know.
Please note: PLATFORMA will host a one-day workshop on a Theory of Change for decentralised cooperation back-to-back to the CIB meeting, on the 21st of June. All CIB members are invited.
Background documents
The CIB Working Group secretariat is currently assembling all background documents for the meeting, these will be shared with you 1 week prior to the event. Do not forget to update the compendium before the meeting, to be able to have an overview of the ongoing programmes of all members in Stockholm!
More information?
For more information about the logistics of the meeting or the programme, get in touch with the CIB Working Group secretariat by sending an email to uclg.cib@vng.nl