At the end of November, two CIB members joined the evaluation team of the Flemish Association of Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) to Benin, for a peer evaluation of their ongoing programme with the Beninese association of municipalities and a city-to-city link programme. The peer evaluators returned enthusiastically to their own association or municipality. After all, it was a great opportunity for the peer evaluators to learn from the way municipal international cooperation is organised by other actors. The evaluators got inspired and learned lessons that are also useful for their own work. Working with an international group offers learning opportunities not only from the partnerships that are evaluated, but also from the other peer evaluators. Moreover, the peer review offered the opportunity to improve their evaluation skills and to further master evaluation techniques.
Does this excite you as a programme manager? Do you want to get involved as well? We are now looking for 2 Spanish speaking peer evaluators, working at a local government association or local government, to participate in another peer evaluation, this time of the VVSG programme in Ecuador.
The evaluation mission takes place from 16-22 March.
N.B. Requests for sponsorship for flights and accommodation can be send to CIB (uclg.cib@vng.nl).
Read more about the programme, the peer evaluation process, the required skills and experience and the selection process here and don't forget to apply before the 24th of January.