Are we making urban planning decisions for everyone? Making our cities inclusive for all, not just persons with full functional ability, is a challenge that all countries are facing. Some countries have come far in making cities accessible - but are facing challenges of catering for all, maintaining the implemented structures and solving the conflicting needs of groups with different kinds of functional variation. With the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations 2006), many countries intensified their focus on improving the possibilities for persons with disabilities to participate in society and life in general.
Working with these topics within the ICLD programme “Intensified Russian - Swedish Cooperation”, one of the results was a film/toolbox that highlights how municipalities and regions can work to better include functional variations in urban planning. The video was compiled by a group of researchers working on the ICLD-funded LUPSRUSS project (‘Legitimacy, Urban Planning and Sustainability’), based at Malmö University. It is directed by Anne Faurskov and Santiago Espinosa Uribe and based on research by Anne Faurskov, Cecilia Hansson, Evgenia Likhovtseva, Diana Satybaldina and Anna Zamaraeva; and is also available in Swedish/Russian
ICLD's policy brief includes the 5 steps to functional variation in urban planning.