March 02, 2023     cib    

On International Women’s Day (8th of March) the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy (ICLD) continues its #Local Democracy Talks together with Feminist Mayors. The webinar brings together world-known mayors that have used a feminist lens to address complex problems their cities faced: climate change, health inequity, poverty, increasing violence, unequal access to care, among others.





The mayors which make up the panel are:

  • Dawn Arnold, Mayor of Moncton, Canada;
  • Kanungwe Chota, Mayor of Kanchibiya District, Zambia;
  • Aidubby Mateus, Mayor of Gámbita, Colombia;
  • Celestina Tepaz, Mayor of Santa Maria de Jesús Guatemala;
  • Matilada Wärenfalk, Mayor of Mörbylånga, Sweden.

These mayors have transformed their cities and challenged the status quo using a feminist approach. So, what is a feminist city? What impact do feminist policies have? How are they to everyone’s benefit? What can we learn from their experiences? These are all questions which will be discussed during the panel.

The first hour will consist of a panel debate by the mayors of the different cities highlighting: What inspired you to be a politician? What is the biggest challenge for gender equality in your municipality? Tell us about a policy you are proud to have implemented in your local government? Something that has improved the lives of women and girls. Only 5% of the mayors worldwide are women, why do we need more feminist mayors? The mayor panel is followed by an hour of workshops on practical tools. The purpose of the workshop is to share concrete tools that can be used by governments. To learn more about the agenda and to register for the online event, make sure to visit the ICLD website. Registration is free of charge!