The European Commission has published a call for proposals for partnerships for sustainable cities. The objective is to promote integrated urban development through partnerships between local authorities in the EU Member States and the partner countries. The submission deadline is 27 March 2020, 12:00 (Brussels time).
The programme focuses on strengthening urban governance, while ensuring social inclusiveness of cities, and improving cities’ resilience, greening, prosperity and innovation. The first call for proposals was launched in November 2018 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The guidelines of the call make clear that the new political priorities of the EU, and notably the new Green Deal, will be taken into account by raising the importance of sustainability enhancement in the different specific objectives.
With an overall envelope of € 111.500.000, this calls is divided in four geographic lots and two horizontal lots. Local Government Associations and networks are only eligible under the horizontal lots.
Geographic lots
> Partnerships for sustainable cities in Sub-Saharan Africa
> Partnerships for sustainable cities in Asia and the Pacific
> Partnerships for sustainable cities in Latin America and the Caribbean
> Partnerships for sustainable cities in the Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood
Horizontal lots
> Partnerships for sustainable towns (maximum 150.000 inhabitants for the European local authorities and 300.000 inhabitants for Partner countries' local authorities)
> Partnerships for sustainable cities in fragile countries (the 15 “extremely fragile” countries included in the OECD list)
Need more info?
All information on the call for proposals "Local Authorities: Partnerships for sustainable cities 2020" is available on the EuropeAid website.