This year the Peace Prize will be awarded for the second time. The Peace Prize celebrates successful initiatives undertaken by local governments and stimulates others to follow suit. We encourage you to apply before April 30th!
The aim of this prize is:
1. To achieve (increased) recognition and visibility for the role of local governments in conflict prevention, peacebuilding, post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation
2. To foster and facilitate exchange and learning on innovative approaches by local governments in this field
The Prize is open for award to local governments who either (a) themselves work for peace and conflict resolution in their own area, or (b) provide positive assistance to local governments in conflict and fragile areas (which include pre-and post-conflict situations, see below). Fragility and conflicts are strongly interlinked. Fragile contexts are contexts where fragility risks are high which paves the way for conflicts. Fragility risks refer to the hazards, threats and vulnerabilities that can be both internally generated within a societu or polity as well as externally driven threats, hazards and vulnerabilities from either other countries or from external environmental events.
The Peace Prize will be awarded to the local government (as corporate entity) – not to individuals – whose initiatives or activities merit such recognition.
There may well be cases where local governments work together on a peace initiative, and in such cases the Prize could be awarded to them jointly. This may for example include cooperation between a conflict-hit local government and its external partner city.
The Peace Prize is open to any subnational government that falls within UCLG’s own interpretation of the term “local government”. Broadly speaking, this means that a local government is a subnational government defined as such by its own country’s Constitution or legislation.
An informational video can be watched here.