In 2022, UCLG and PLATFORMA have organised several regional Trainings of Trainers on the UCLG-PLATFORMA Module 4 on the SDGs and decentralised cooperation. The regional ToTs were rich and interesting, and led to the development of regional papers on decentralised cooperation. These regional perspectives have been integrated in the UCLG-CIB policy paper, after the organisation of three regional sessions, with UCLG MEWA, UCLG ASPAC, the Latin American networks and UCLG Africa. Linking the findings from the learning sessions to the policy paper process has greatly enriched the policy work, and has made the text more inclusive and universal. A great example of how learning and policy are interlinked and strengthen each other.
The regional papers are attached to this news item
- UCLG Africa paper
- UCLG ASPAC paper
- Latin American paper - EN version and ES version
The European and MEWA papers are still in the making at the time of the CIB annual meeting. The European paper will be drafted following the ToT organised in the margins of the CIB annual meeting, to which CIB has also contributed in terms of mobilisation and by providing for presentations.
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