On 29 October various CIB members gave shape to their intention to better coordinate their activities during the upcoming UCLG World Congress in Durban, South Africa. During a coordination call, ICLD, VVSG, VNG International, FCM, the region of Catalunya and the UCLG Learning team discussed the matrix of CIB activities during the World Congress (attached) and opportunities for CIB coordination throughout this event.
Apart from its individual members’ sessions, the CIB Working Group secretariat organizes three events:
The SALGA coordination meeting (Monday 11 November, 15:00-16:30)
SALGA and the CIB Working Group agree that the UCLG World Congress in Durban is an excellent opportunity to sit around the table with all CIB members active in South Africa, to discuss further collaboration/coordination and search for synergies.
Do you want to join the coordination meeting? Please let us know by sending an email to uclg.cib@vng.nl.
SDGs and Decentralised Cooperation – Working on Agenda2030 Locally & Globally (Wednesday 13 November, 09:00-10:30)
This lab session is co-organized with PLATFORMA and the region of Catalonia, and will discuss the interface between the SDGs and decentralised cooperation. At this event, first findings from the study of the Region of Catalonia on this topic will be shared and discussed, based on provocative statements.
The lab session is specifically targeted at practitioners with experience with working with the SDGs at local or regional level or with planning decentralised cooperation policies or SDG programmes on the ground. The set-up will be as interactive as possible.
Forum of CEOs of national associations of local governments (LGA Forum) (Friday 15 November, 09:00-10:30)
In the session, association capacity building through exchange of practices will stand central. CEOs will tackle various internal management matters, including service delivery to members, advocacy at national and international level and transitioning to a networking organization, linked to global developments such as climate and international solidarity. Moreover, a draft declaration on behalf of Local Government Associations will be shared with the participants, for validation.
All speaking slots for this session are already taken. We would however strongly encourage feedback from the audience and therefore invite all representatives from Local Government Associations to participate in this meeting. Please contact uclg.cib@vng.nl for more information.
Moreover, during the call some opportunities for CIB networking were identified, and have been added to the attached matrix:
Conversation with coffee on advancing gender equality at the local level (Wednesday 13 November, 14:30-15:30)
Informal CIB members lunch (Thursday 14 November, 12:00-13:30)|
Lastly, UCLG Learning specifically invites members to mobilise their delegations to attend the 4th UCLG Learning Forum on Tuesday 12 November (09:00-18:00). It will define methodologies and mechanisms that contribute to the strategic priorities of UCLG's learning agenda. The content of the Forum will be structured around the two key lines of action that have been implemented over the past three years: localizing the global agendas and peer-to-peer learning. The full day event is open to all Summit participants working or interested in learning and cooperation. Currently nine out of twenty speakers are CIB Members: a good indication of our efforts and commitments to coordinate our members’ activities!