As you might know already, UCLG-CIB is building a new narrative for local government development cooperation. How is development cooperation by/for local governments instrumental to addressing today's grand challenges, including climate change, decreasing trust between governments and citizens, gender inequality and many others?
Fill out the dedicated survey before the 14th of April
We are finding out more and more about trends, developments and recent case studies, from the surveys that have already been filled out by UCLG and CIB members. Have you not entered your answers yet? You are not too late! Please send us the filled out Word file by the 14th of April, in an email to uclg.cib@vng.nl. We realise that the survey takes up 45-60 minutes but we are getting very valuable and complete information from them; thanks for helping us to reach more local government associations and local governments in the next days. The word file is attached to this news item, in English, French and Spanish.
Register for workshop on this topic on 20 April (1500-1700 CEST) (with translation EN FR ES)
To further facilitate dialogue on local government development cooperation in 2021, the Institute for Development Studies, UCLG and CIB are hosting an interactive workshop on this topic, with thematic break-out sessions. A perfect place to hear your thoughts and stories from the field!
You can register for this workshop here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QOLGgjRIDxSwGge52Z3SfdvXdT0PETSiBlO6gwv...
We very much look forward to engaging with you on this important topic! Feel free to also invite colleagues and partners!